
16 March 2013

Free and Easy at Homestay Haji Dorani, Sabak Bernam

People from the city tend to taunt the villagers as being outdated. During our stay at Homestay Haji Dorani, however, apart from being technologically up to date, I felt exactly like an old school. Before the trip was organized, I had never really been to a green place like this, I had never thought of being in a village for a day or two, and I was completely clueless about the daily activities of farmers and villagers.

I took a step out of our chalet while hiding myself away from the sunlight, and found this fascinating part of the village. It was so, so, so amazingly peaceful. Whenever I got irritated by the sticky self due to sweat, it's always the green that cooled me down.

As we waited for the time to past slowly, the cute little local girls and boys aged from six to twelve, who were apparently the relatives of our Pak and Mak (our foster parents), came to greet and welcome us. They were shy in the beginning, yet the ice was broken almost immediately after some simple introduction about ourselves was done.

Basically, we were sharing and exchanging interesting stories with each other throughout the conversations, with me, Kah Mun and Chi Kei translating from Bahasa Malaysia to English for the Maldivians. The topics went from the village to our campus, and ended in the beauty of Maldives. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if they could understand us thoroughly. Still, we had a great moment together indeed.

We chitchatted from the wooden pavement to our chalet, and back to the wooden pavement again later on, we definitely had our time well spent with the kids in the late afternoon. They're really cute and friendly. I mean, such purely innocent kids can barely be found in the city nowadays.

That sounds as if we had pulled a prank on them.

I must mention that she's definitely excited to be photographed.

By the way, here's a photo of one of our double bedrooms. You can pretty much see or presume that a queen-sized mattress fits the room just fine. Surprisingly, it's big enough to accommodate three person per room, with our luggage placed in the small "living room".

For your information, all curtains in our chalet came with a spring clip each. Somehow, one of the clips fell out of our chalet and ended up in the paddy. Oops! Blame the strong wind!

Then, it's finally the moment when we all looked forward to. Guess it!

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  1. Replies
    1. Indeed! And it will never be a waste of time to travel that far for such a fascinating view. :)


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