12 February 2010

Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is coming real soon, and everyone was in the mood during classes. LOL! There's a Calculus exam on the fourth period (last period of today), but everyone was just playing around all the time. This is how the 6 S Ren of the year 2010 used to be.

Normally when we're chatting with the seatmates during Physics period, the Physics teacher will scold us so that we shut our mouth up. But he looked different today. Yea, he's influenced by the CNY too I think. Aha! I thought he will not wish us a happy Chinese new year but I was totally wrong. He wished us before he left the classroom. Wow! Thanks anyway. :)

Other than that, we didn't really concentrate during the Chinese period. Our beloved teacher kept on punishing the guys who was being so naughty in the class. She wanted Yuan Ji and Lik Hong to buy boxes of mandarin oranges to treat the whole class after CNY. That's their punishments and we're so happy to hear that. LOL! They have very nice classmates indeed. XD Well, for Wing Shen, he has to bring 2 tins of biscuits to treat the whole class after CNY because he actually owes us one. That's an outcome for him but a good news for everyone in 6 S Ren. Hahaha! Besides, Yuen Sh'ng was asked to sing a song on the stage because of something he did in the class. He sang Lee Hom's "Wei Yi" and he could sing really well. My class has quite a number of people who're quite good in singing. Big claps for them! :D

It's Mr. Lau's turn. Argh!!! He dragged our PE period away and he came in to teach us Analytical Geometry. We lost a chance to play ping pong. :( Fine. Nothing much to say, but the last period of today was Calculus exam. I had done the last two questions completely but the other five questions I didn't really know how to do. :S I did only half and that's all. I had tried my best anyway.

Traffic jam can be seen in everywhere and so I took about one hour to arrive home. =\ I'm going back to my hometown in Mentakab, Pahang tomorrow after picking up my dad from KL Central and after he takes a rest. I want to meet my cousins so badly. Mentakab, here I come!!!!!!! X)

I wish you a happy new year
I wish you a happy new year
I wish you a happy new year

Please enjoy your CNY holidays, people! XDDD

Obviously, I'm sitting in front of the laptop blogging. It means I missed a chance to meet hubby before Valentine's Day. Our Valentine's Day happens every day however. :D

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