In case you have forgotten, I had blogged about a grand opening of Pusat Badminton Sri Sinar / JJ Sports House on 12th of April earlier. No news about it appeared on any newspapers since then I supposed, even though we had invited a few news reporters on that day itself. To my surprise, something regarding the opening ceremony was actually posted on Kosmo! Online without anyone of us realizing it until I saw it being posted by either my eldest brother or his friend on our Facebook fans page. Please click on the link given to check it out!
Just before you misunderstand something, wrong information was sent by the relevant news reporter, though. According to the news reporter, "WALTHER (paling kanan) menandatangani plak tanda perasmian gelanggang Sri Sinar sambil diperhatikan Jun Hong (kiri) dan para pemain lain," which means Mr. Thomas was signing on the so-called signature board as a proof of this grand opening with Jun Hong on the left and the other players watching. However, the person who's named Jun Hong is actually my eldest brother, Jia Juen. Heh! :\
Dear peeps, please do not hesitate to click on the links given to check things out before I annoy you with more links to be clicked. To be exact, there's one last link to go. :P
Here you go! Please feel free to click on the link below to check out a badminton championship that is coming soon in less than one month if you're interested.
You can get the entry form by scrolling down on the same page until you see a PDF file that enables you to click on it to download. Print it out, fill in the blanks, submit it, pay the money, appear on the stated dates to participate on the competition, and wait for the results; as simple as you think it is! :D
I hope to see you there, sincerely! ;)
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